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  • September 24, 2021
  • Press Release

LIBERTY Galati Summer School completes its tenth term

  • 45 students from across Romania have spent ten weeks learning about the future of steel
  • Since 2012, almost 450 students have graduated LIBERTY Galati’s Summer School. More than 150 ended up joining the plant.

LIBERTY Galati has completed the tenth term of its Summer School, which saw 45 students from the university centres of Galati, Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca and Constanta fully employed and working with mentors for ten weeks, on projects applicable in all areas of the steel plant’s activity. The aim of the project is for students to understand the steel industry and to contribute with innovative ideas and solutions to solve real problems as the industry transforms to a low carbon future.

The Summer School is part of the LIBERTY Galati GREENSTEEL Academy Internship program, through which the steel plant intends to attract young specialists into the plant and the industry and reconnect with the higher education system.

Aida Nechifor, General Manager of LIBERTY Galati: “Since 2020 we have included the Internship program under the aegis of the LIBERTY GREENSTEEL Academy, the result of a Memorandum of Understanding signed with “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati. The Academy encourages young people to join the steel industry and apply the theoretical and technical knowledge they have acquired. Thanks to all students who have chosen to spend the summer working with us to transform our industry- we want to have you in our teams, so we look forward to welcoming you back once you have finished your studies”.

Since its launch, over 450 students have graduated the Summer School and 150 (34%) of them have joined the company. More broadly, almost 1,000 students have attended the Thematic Sessions organized on the Plant, 500 of them have conducted their traineeship along with the company’s specialists, and 65 benefited from scholarships granted by LIBERTY Galati.

“It was a unique opportunity for all of us to practice the theory learned in faculty and to see how steel is made”, said Bogdan Barbu, one of the interns of the tenth edition of the Summer School.

The end of the tenth term of the Summer School was marked by an event organized at the “Fani Tardini” Galati Theatre, to which were invited former and current interns, mentors, university professors, collaborators of the program and representatives of the management.


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