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  • January 4, 2024
  • Press Release

Funding of more than 10 million lei in the “Modernisation of unloading/loading equipment within Romportmet – Galati” project co-financed from the Cohesion Fund

ROMPORTMET, as Beneficiary, and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, as Managing Authority for the Transport Programme 2021-2027, signed the Financing Contract no.11/2023 on the 28th of December 2023 for the project: Modernisation of unloading/loading equipment within Romportmet – Galați, SMIS code 314368.

With a value of more than 10 million lei and an implementation period of 12 months, the project is co-financed from the Cohesion Fund through the Transport Programme 2021-2027, under the call “Investments in port superstructure to reduce the blockade of the Black Sea area as a result of the armed conflict in Ukraine”.

The aim of the project is to increase the capacity to operate products in the mineral port of Galati through the purchase of new raw materials loading, unloading and handling equipment designed at the highest environmental standards. The total value of the project is 10,103,792.28 lei, of which the total eligible amount, financed by the Transport Programme 2021-2027, is 8,490,581.75 lei, and its implementation will take place between January and December 2024.

Through this project, the company will purchase a mobile crane and two front-end bucket loader units for loading, unloading and handling of the raw materials, mainly ferrous ores, metals and metal products sourced from or destined to Ukraine, leading to additional handling of ferrous ores, metal and metal products and other types of raw materials, excluding fossil fuel products.

Romportmet Galati, the most modern Romanian river-sea port on the Danube, operates maritime and fluvial vessels, as well as storage, transfer, reception and products delivery to and from LIBERTY Galați.


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