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Pioneering GREENSTEEL through low carbon technologies

We make GREENSTEEL to improve lives and revitalise our industrial communities. We innovate to drive the transition to a low-carbon economy, helping us all to live more sustainably

LIBERTY is seeking to transform steel manufacturing into a global product and technology leader through its GREENSTEEL strategies.

  • GREENSTEEL aims to recycle and upcycle the growing amount of scrap steel, using electric arc furnaces powered by renewable energy.
  • Raw materials and resources are secured locally to make steel products that are sold both nationally and globally.
  • High grade engineered steel and alloys from the process feed downstream operations that make advanced components for demanding sectors such as automotive, aerospace, marine, off-road and defence.
  • GREENSTEEL provides a more flexible and customer focused solution while also reducing the carbon footprint of manufacture, shortening the supply chain, retaining and upgrading skills, stimulating new technologies and engendering a sustainable and globally competitive metal manufacturing sector.
  • LIBERTY is actively pursuing GREENSTEEL in the UK, Europe, Australia and the USA whilst it is also developing plans for implementing the strategy globally.

Hydrogen Steelmaking

GREENSTEEL in action

Almost 90% of LIBERTY’s Scope 1 emissions are generated by our three major integrated plants (Galați, Ostrava and Whyalla) and we have detailed plans in progress to move each to a GREENSTEEL model. We now have defined projects at each to make this a reality in the coming years.