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LIBERTY’s steels are supplied to a number of other markets.

Because of its versatility, steel is also the product of choice for a number of other markets served by LIBERTY. Stockholding, although a part of the channel to market, is also a significant sector for many of our businesses across the globe.

With a large amount of knowledge in their sectors and facing heightened competitive pressures on price and availability, stockholders are probably the most demanding partners in the supply chain but equally the most important ones. They rely on LIBERTY’s quality and reputation, high performing grades, capacity and proximity to deliver products to them quickly and accurately, whether domestically or overseas. With the majority of their clients in the general engineering and fabrication industries, stockholders are a major customer as well as a long-term partner for LIBERTY.

In addition to stockholders, we also have a product offering targeted at the following sectors:

  • Health care and medical;
  • Hydraulics;
  • Heavy industrial;
  • Consumer steels;
  • Street furniture;
  • Leisure equipment;
  • Pressure vessels;
  • Power transmission;
  • and others.

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