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High performing steels for motor racing applications.

The motorsport industry is rigorous, demanding and competitive – a natural fit for our steel products and services.

With comprehensive in-house steel making, rolling and finishing facilities, we offer everything from Single Air Melt and Vacuum Induction Melted products, to Vacuum Arc Remelted and Electro-Slag Remelted double or triple melted steels.

LIBERTY’s offer includes alloy and stainless, slab and ingot, available in a full range of heat-treated, brightor black bar. Our motorsport services and processes have been modelled on our aerospace operations to guarantee performance and quality.

Components created from our steel are supplied both in the UK and the USA and include:

  • Bearings
  • Camshafts
  • Conrods
  • Crankshafts
  • Differentials
  • Driveshafts
  • Gears

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