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Certification IMS – Liberty Ostrava a.s.

Manufacture of coke and chemical by-products; manufacture of pig iron and slag products;
manufacture of continuously cast billets and slabs incl. development and manufacture of liquid steel; development and manufacture of long products; development and manufacture of tubes; development and manufacture of flat products and sections incl. crash barriers; manufacture, repair and assembly of machine equipment of metallurgy, steel structures and related fields; repair and maintenance of electrical equipment; realization and maintenance of buildings and refractory linings; manufacture and repairs of railway wheelsets and its part; manufacture of castings from cast iron and steel; heat treatment of carbon and alloy steel products; processing of iron scale; energy generation and distribution; production of magnetic circuit cores; sales of long, flat, engineering products and tubes.

ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016
ČSN EN ISO 14001:2016
ISO 45001:2018 –
(Energy management systems)
EN ISO 50001:2018 – TÜV NORD

Ing. Miroslava Schudková

t: +420 59 568 6785