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Blast Furnaces Plant

The blast furnace plant has four blast furnaces. At present, the operation of two blast furnaces with an annual production capacity of over 2 million tons of pig iron is sufficient to meet the requirements of pig iron customers. The bulk of the production of liquid pig iron is consumed by plant 13 – Steelworks, approximately 3.5% of pig iron production is reinforced on a casting machine, in several assortment classes according to customer requirements for the chemical composition of these solid steel or foundry pig irons. The smallest part of the production (about 0.5%) is intended for the foundry of Liberty Engineering Products Ostrava s.r.o.

Blast furnace ore charge is primarily provided by sintering of dust ores in its own plant 121 – Agglomeration, the remaining part of the charge consists of pellets, lump ores and also secondary raw materials. Blast furnace coke is supplied by the neighboring plant 10 – Coke Plant, part of the metallurgical coke and other fuels are purchased from external sources.

In addition to the production of pig iron and agglomerate, which is only for own consumption, products from blast furnace slag are sold to external customers, namely slag aggregates in several granulometric grades produced mainly for construction purposes and blast furnace granulate for further processing in cement and glassworks.

The assortment of pig iron and slag products meets the requirements of ČSN EN ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 and 50001 standards and has been regularly certified annually by an external certification company (TUV NORD, Bureau Veritas, etc.). The certification body has confirmed the conformity of the quality management system for the production and supply of steel and foundry pig iron and blast furnace slag products with the ČSN EN ISO 9001 standard.