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  • 23/03/2020
  • News

A Statement from Liberty Steel Group on COVID-19

The health and well-being of our people remains a top priority as we manage the impact of COVID-19 on our business. We are taking all necessary steps in accordance with WHO and government advice in the countries where we have operations to protect our people.

Steps taken so far include prohibiting all business travel, closing sites to visitors, communicating advice regularly to employees on how best to protect themselves from infection and what employees should do if they develop symptoms. Where possible and required to do so, Liberty Steel Group employees are working from home and we have put in place measures to ensure they remain connected, safe and informed.

Liberty Steel Group has formed a global steering committee which is monitoring the impact of the COVID-19 on our operations as well as our national Governments’ plans to support their steel and aluminium industries, which remain a critical driver of their economies now and in the future.

Liberty Steel Group continues to adjust production to demand on a plant by plant basis with its highest priority being the safety of its employees. We remain committed to supporting our customers during this period, especially those which have a vital role to play in managing the response to the virus, providing materials for medical equipment and food packaging, for example.

We will continue to review the situation as it develops and communicate regularly to our employees and stakeholders.